A 2‑day workshop designed for the professional IFR pilot or advanced student pilot conducting MPL or ATPL training. This course covers all the grey areas of IFR flying and ensures a sound knowledge of the Instrument Procedures Manual and AIM chapters dealing with IFR flying. Recommended procedures for the most efficient and safe IFR flying for both fixed-wing and rotary-wing are covered during this course. All IFR rules and procedures are covered in a phase of flight format from pre-flight to go-around. Practical examples are used extensively to encourage participation and retention. Group mini-workshops, videos and case studies are employed to answer IFR questions.
Differences between flying IFR in Canada and the US can be included on request.
The IFR Rules and Procedures Refresher is taught by the President of Aerosolutions who is the author of the last two editions of the Instrument Procedures Manual (IPM). Click on the IPM cover for more details.
Course Fee:The IFR Rules and Procedures (IFR) Refresher Course is normally offered at your requested location, and the course fee is structured according to individual client requirements including number of attendees, course tailoring, travel time ($700/day) plus expenses. Contact us for more information.