This 2‑day course prepares pilots for the responsibility of aircraft command in a commercial, government or business environment. It focuses on all the new areas of knowledge and judgment required to be a successful aircraft commander. Emphasis is on scenarios and case studies where the student must make decisions based on complex problems. This is covered using group interaction and timeframes similar to what a Captain will experience during normal line flying.
Decision making, leadership, followership, communication, threat and error management, use of SOPs, automation, conflict resolution and team building are the focus.
The following subjects are covered on this course:
- Legal considerations
- CARS/regulatory requirements
- Transport Canada reporting requirements
- Use of SOPs
- Use of automation
- Flight discipline
- CRM skills and threat and error management
- Flight planning considerations
- Aircraft snags and use of MEL
- Fuel management
- Company resources (DX)
- ATS resources
- IFR rules and procedures review
- Student presentations
- Command scenarios
The Aircraft Command Course has been developed by the President of Aerosolutions who has extensive experience as an aircraft commander. There are both fixed-wing and rotary-wing versions of this course. There is a pre-course assignment on IFR Rules and Procedures and regulations, as well as preparation of a brief student presentation on a related aircraft command topic.
Course Fee: The Aircraft Command Course is normally offered at your requested location, tailored for your operation, and the course fee is structured according to individual client requirements. Contact us for more information.